Monday, November 12, 2012


I went camping this weekend with a group of people from Agape. It was on of the best nights of my entire life.
Even if it was only for one night.
Even if some of us got up at 5am to take down our tents.
Even if it rained.
Even if we got almost no sleep.
Even if it was cold.
We (my tent buddies and I) had considered not going because it was going to be rainy and dreary when we woke up the next morning. I am so glad we decided to go anyways! While we were camping, I realized just how blessed I am to have such great people in my life. There was no fighting, arguing (well- maybe a little discussing while putting up our tents :-b ) or anything else that may make a day not-so-pleasant. There was just fun, lots of talking and playing and being silly, and LOTS of laughter.
Talk about "living life together". I'm pretty sure we just did.

Gospel Community.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Family Photo's

For you, Mrs. Paula.

The Kids:

Hannah and I:

And, just for kicks, the whole family:

Friday, September 7, 2012

The Color Run.

We did a run on Labor Day called The Color Run. Here is a picture:

It was so fun! And so.... colorful :-) I think we will definitely do it again!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

My Dear India.

So, I went to India.
And I want to go back.
People have been asking me how my trip went, what I did, ect, ect... and it is so hard to answer those questions. They are good questions! It's just a bit difficult to answer.
So, I will start off telling you the main reason we went to India: to grow in our relationships with the Father. And to learn more about the culture and the real needs they have in India. But number one was to know more about the Father.
Oh, and this will probably be the longest blog post in the history of blog posts.
That being said, let us begin.
We got to India around 3:00 or 4:00am and we slept until about 8:30 that same morning. But, I have to back up a little before that. When we arrived at the Bangalore airport and everyone was grabbing their bags from baggage claim, exchanging money, ect.... my bag was no where to be found. And it wasn't my personal bag- that would have been ok to lose. It was a bag we had packed for K-Homes (the place we were staying) and it had a lot of stuff in there that they needed, wanted, and would just be good for them to have. We had looked everywhere for it and could not find it. So, we started to file a claim and tell them what happened. We get to the end of that process and one of our team members walks by a baggage cart that we had all walked past several times and says "hey, Rachel, is this it??". It was... it was my bag! After over an hour of searching and then filing a claim- my bag was sitting right there! It was a total God thing because we had all walked by that same baggage cart a bunch of times and no one had seen it. We would have had to go back to the airport the next morning to retrieve my bag. So, that was the first thing that happened when we entered Bangalore- how cool is that?!
On our first full day in India we got to just kinda hang out with the staff and meet everyone. The kids were in school so it was cool to get to meet all of the staff and house parents before they got home.
Then we spent a few days at a place called Home of Hope. HOH is a place where people who don't have jobs, are physically or mentally handicapped, are homeless, or are just a bit old and their family's don't want to take care of them... that's where some of them go. There is a women's side, men's side, and kid's side. Us girls, of course, went to the women's side. Most of the women did not speak English so that made it even more interesting. We brushed hair, painted nails, gave them lotion, prayed over them, sang with them, and just loved and talked with them. It was very impacting. There were some who couldn't walk due to injuries, some who were not at all there mentally, and some who knew exactly where they were and what the conditions were and hated being there. It was very dirty and the women were not very well taken care of because there were SO many of them. We did that for a few days. I could talk forever about Home of Hope but there is more to get to.
Then we went to the kids side of HOH. Most of the kids, when they age out, will go to the men or women's side of HOH. Basically, there is no hope for them. So we pray for them... over and over. And we pray some more. And we DO NOT STOP! And we love them and hold them and play with them. They are so precious and dear to my heart. They are unadoptable- meaning there really is no way adoption is possible for them. So we keep praying. The Lord can do mighty things in and through the lives of these kids!
After that we did something we call The Amazing Race. Which is this: We split up in to teams of two or three, the staff drops us off in the middle of the market, we have a list of things to buy (most of which we don't know what it is), and have to haggle for most everything. After we buy everything on the list, we have to bargain with a rickshaw driver and get him to take us to a restaurant for a reasonable price. It was very fun and exciting!
We also went to a place called Daughters of Hope, run by friends of K-Homes, to help out and get to know more about the organization. They give jobs to at risk women who can otherwise not get a job because they have to take care of their kids and their husband will not/can't work. They offer day-care services and feed all the workers one meal while they are there. THIS IS NOT HEARD OF IN INDIA! For some of them, the meal they receive at DOH is the only meal they will eat each day. They teach the women to make things like pillows, blankets, towels, ect, so they will have a respectable job and be able to keep their family's going at the same time. They also have worship, prayer, and time in the Word each morning before work starts. It is a wonderful place. We got to work alongside some of the women and help make some of the merchandise and then pack it all up for shipment to the states.
Well, there is much more that I could blog about but my brain is shutting down at this point... I know it seems like that isn't very much- and it's not. There is so much more that happened in India. I wish I could portray exactly what I was feeling in every circumstance that we happened upon but I cannot. So here it is. I narrowed it down to a few of the bigger things.
Here are a few pictures:
This is all of the girls on our team.

 This is one of the pillows that we helped to make at Daughters of Hope.

 This is a picture of Jacob, my teammate, with the rickshaw driver we had to get for the Amazing Race.

This is the required picture of Jacob and I with all of our supplies from the Amazing Race..... and Nathan laying in the middle of the floor in the background. Haha!

This is Sarah- one of our fearless leaders! And me :)

This is a nice view from our terrace of the other half of K-Homes.

And, for all of you wondering, here is our bathroom! To bathe, we filled the big green bucket up with water and dipped the little green bucket into the the big green bucket.
The blue bucket was used for flushing the toilet :)

And very last.... TRASH BURNING!!! Because burning of the trash is one of our favorite pastimes in India (really... give it a try!) I had quite a few photo's to choose from. Heh heh.

Monday, May 7, 2012


Yesterday a couple of good friends took a group of us first timers rappelling at Palisades Park. We had a blast! Here are a few photo's:

Out of the newbies, Hannah went first.

Then comes Sidney. In this shot she had actually just recovered from being turned upside down!

Laura Beth did it too!

Here I am with Philip trying to talk me down

And now I am at the bottom with Nick and LB!
Buuuuut.... I didn't do it. I just hiked down :)
I spent most of my time doing this:

Here's Nick trying to coach Maggie. She has done it before but ended up not doing it this time. She's such a good sport!

And now- our fearless (okay- they were scared too) leaders!.... Minus Lisa:

Nick had to go down first, without anyone belaying below, because he's the one that set everything up this time. And that's the rule- you set it up, you go down first. Philip did it the other time.

And lastly- here's Philip being a showoff :) I think he pushed off the rock only once, maybe twice, going down. Impressive!

All in all, it was a fabulous day!!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday.

‎"For he was teaching his disciples, saying to them, “The Son of Man is going to be delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him. And when he is killed, after three days he will rise.”"
Mark 9:31 ESV

"And they will mock him and spit on him, and flog him and kill him. And after three days he will rise.”"
Mark 10:34 ESV

I am pondering these verses today as we mourn and celebrate what we call "Good Friday". I know we are supposed to be celebrating Good Friday but at the same time I find myself saddened at all that Jesus went through to cover sins that he never committed. Praise be to Jesus Christ!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Ladies Day Out

Today Kylee and I had our very own Ladies Day Out! My grandmother used to take me and Hannah out every couple of months for Ladies Day Out. I remember enjoying it very much and wanted to do the same with Kylee. Ladies Day Out consists of doing..... whatever the lady you are taking out wants to do :) So, this is what we did:
We went to Chick-Fil-A first. This is actually her eating after we left Chick-Fil-A.
She spent most of her time at Chick-Fil-A playing on the play place. I got that from my very good friend and mentor, Mrs. Paula. Let the kid play if they want to play... they can burn calories and eat later :)

Then, I just happened to spot a place to get some girl scout cookies:

Then we went to see Hannah and Dad:

And my dad riding his bike INSIDE!

And, finally, we headed to the park! We did lots of running and sliding and swinging...
she talked me in to doing all of those things with her.
And I did not mind one bit. It gave me an excuse to swing and slide down the slides ;)

She called the foot/handholds "little piggy's".

Sadly- she did not make it up. She tried very hard though!

We had to, of course, go to the other playground.. hehe.


Trying to smile with the sun in her eyes.. she is such a good sport!

"Rachel, help me! I can't do it!".

 And back to the other side. I stopped running at this point..

Kylee kept going...

And going...

"Ah! I've been captured!"

The End

I, for one, had a great time!
Cheers to passing on the tradition of Ladies Day Out!
Next time it will be just Nathan and I... I have yet to come up with a name. There's Nathan and Rachel Day but that just doesn't sound like much fun.